Being a well-respected independent laboratory focusing on research and testing of products utilized in hydraulic fracturing & cement operations demands a driven and skilled workforce among many professional levels. As PropTester strives to be a value-added service company to the oil and gas industry, we recognize that our employees are the founding structure for a successful organization. Our goal is to be an employer of choice and we diligently provide our employees with the necessary skills, safe surroundings and basic knowledge to succeed both individually and also in a team environment. Our commitment to our employees allows PropTester to provide our clients with a customer-oriented and professional workforce ultimately leading to accurate and timely reports for key decision making both inside the lab and out in the field.
We are happy to invest in our employees by providing career growth and progression. With generous compensation, a comprehensive benefits package, a drug-free work environment and a strong focus on safety, we invite you to explore the career opportunities PropTester has to offer.
Current Job Opportunities are below. Please submit an application to: [email protected]